ARTICLE I. Name and Location
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization is the Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC).
Section 2. Offices.
The offices of the
shall be located in
II. Purpose
The purpose of the
Association is to promote Japan
1. Encouraging Canadian
scholars and other
interested person
to conduct research on
2. Sponsoring conferences and publishing proceedings of the conference and other papers;
3. Encouraging Japanese
scholars and any person
in Japan Studies to share their knowledge with the members of the
The Association shall
not lobby on political or
economic issues
or take positions on public issues in
III. Membership
Section 1. Membership. Membership is open to any person interested in Japan Studies, without regard to age, sex, race, religion, citizenship or profession. A person becomes a member when a duly completed application form, accompanied by an annual membership fee, is received by the Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 2.
Membership Fee. The amount of the annual fee, for a
period of twelve months from January 1 to December 31, shall
be fixed by the Executive Committee,
subject to the approval of the membership at the following Annual
Meeting. A regular membership fee of $60 was set for
the current year with a
student membership at $20.00.
Section 3. Members’ Privileges. A member in good standing is eligible to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, and to take an active part in Annual Conferences, such as presenting papers, chairing sessions, and acting as discussant.
IV. Officers
Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Chairperson of the Annual Conference. All the officers of the Association must be members of the Association in good standing.
Section 2. President.
The President shall
be elected
by the members of the Association for a term of three years. The
shall chair the Annual Business Meeting, and shall have powers and
usually vested in the President of a learned society, and perform such
duties as are necessarily incident to the office of President.
Section 3. Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by the members of the Association for a term of four years. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records and financial accounts of the Association, oversee the collection of membership fees, maintain a current membership list, and insure that minutes are taken during the Annual Business Meeting and that these be made available to the Association. The Secretary-Treasurer shall report on the financial condition of the Association to the Annual Business Meeting.
ARTICLE V. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee
of the Association shall
consist of
the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Chairpersons of the next
Conference and two past Annual Conferences and such other members as
President nominates for the purpose of a specific meeting. The
Committee may hold meetings from time to time, as are necessary and
shall have
not more than five members, eliminating Past Chairpersons so as to
maintain the
five-member limit.
ARTICLE VI. Amendment
Any change in the
Constitution and By-Laws
of the Association must be proposed in writing by at least three
members in
good standing to the Secretary-Treasurer, who shall present the
proposal to the
membership for electronic voting or for voting in person at the next
Business Meeting. The proposal shall be adopted, if
two-thirds of the returned votes are in
Proposal for additional provisions voted in October 1994:
That the accounts of
the Association be audited
by an outside auditor.
(A review was carried
out in September, 1994 by a
Chartered Accountant.)
Amended on: October 3, 1998
18, 2003
October 14, 2006